official kennel recognition and our logo

We are strongly emotionally connected with the history of our project, its start-up phase, its continuous development and its complex dynamical and evolving structure. The Pastore Transumante project was born before its name, and the official kennel recognition was a successive step.

In the official breeding world, the ENCI FCI kennel name is the distinction and identification of all the breeding components; it can be used as a pre- or as a suffix in the naming of the dogs born within the kennel, rendering them unique and recognizable. Moreover, the official kennel name puts a certain degree of responsibility upon the breeder who is called to use it wisely and to select carefully the animals destined for reproduction.

For us, the kennel name “Pastore Transumante” has a strong evocative value. It represents and outlines the two cornerstones of our project:

  • The transhumance shepherd - Pastore Transumante – meant as the human part of the transhumance history
  • The White Transhumance Shepherding Dog, the true and unique helper that has its place in the center of our kennel’s logo.

Our new logo and the connected corporate image is the result of a cooperation with the graphic artist from Sicily, Giuliano Alesse that has won the logo contest among more than 50 participants on the national level. The artist has created a perfect synthesis between the message we wanted to transmit, the clean and impacting graphics and the perfect representation of our ideal dog.

The logo represents perfectly our kennel. It is characterized by the iconography of the head of one of our Maremma Sheepdog males (Don Diego Transumante), placed inside a seal that renders the graphic composition more eminent. The pastoral staff with the tiny Italian flag inside complete the picture.